1. We ship packages 5 times from Ghana to the USA and 3 times from the USA to Ghana.
  2. Our Shipping schedule is subject to change without prior notice. But we’ll communicate any changes to customers.
  3. We’ll consolidate multiple customer items into one box if they arrive on the same day. Otherwise, we process shipments as they arrive at our warehouse.
  4. All items deemed as fragile or susceptible to damage will ship in original packages. E.g. shoes, electronics etc. We’ll crate very fragile items upon request and at the customer’s expense to avoid damage.
  5. We process shipment and send updates to customers daily. We ship packages after invoice payment or in some instances before delivery to recipient.
  6. We acknowledge customer shipment was received at our warehouse through email updates, what’s-up messages and app alerts. No email update, what’s-up message or app alert means Shipments was not received at our warehouse.
  7. We calculate international shipping cost with shipping weight determined at our warehouse.
  8. The shipping weight determined at our USA warehouse overrides all other shipping weight on the packages received from US online stores or courier services.
  9. We round-up all international shipping weight to the nearest whole number. For example, if your shipping weight is 2.1, or 2.2, or 2.3, 2.4, or 2.5 lbs, we’ll round it up to 3 lbs and bill you for 3 lbs.
  10. We have the right to reject and return packages delivered to our warehouse if the package is flagged and confirmed as fraudulent.